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A Message From Your New Doctor

Dear Patients,

I’d like to introduce myself as the new doctor to the practice, but most importantly your doctor. The past few months have been a pleasure, getting to meet patients and their families, but also understand their challenges and expectations. COVID 19 has affected us all, nonetheless, the team at Lathom House Surgery have continued to shine and provide excellent care.

Dr Statham and the staff have been very welcoming, but a heartfelt thanks to the ethic and culture she has nurtured at Lathom House Surgery.

This drive and passion is something we will strive to continue. The team have been fantastic at embracing change, personally, remembering everyones birthday and favourite past-time activity will be a challenge for me.

With my joining to this practice, I bring a team with over 50 years cumulative experience in the clinical and administrative management in primary care. Dr Sanjeev and Leena Saxena will be at hand with their GP experience and qualifications in Orthopaedics and Obstetrics & Gynaecology respectively. I’d also like to introduce my business managers Mrs Chris Forrest, and Mr Paul Bridgeman who reliably manage my other clinical sites.

Over the next coming months we will aim to open up the digital space to provide care, this will provide a more efficient way in dealing with your requests. But also, allows some of our most vulnerable patients to contact us more readily via telephone. As well as providing primary care services our “ Fresh Start” mental health workshop, “Your Health Matters” bootcamp, and other group sessions are holistic amenities we look forward to bringing to Burscough.

Despite the current challenges we face nationally - My team and I look forward to providing high quality care for you and your family.

Please keep safe,

Yours Sincerely,

Dr Ishaan Saxena



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