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Problem with Phone Lines

We are currently experiencing issues with phone lines, which is being looked at as a priority by the phone provider. This is out of our control & affecting practices across the whole of Lancashire, not just ours & others in West Lancashire.

We understand this is extremely frustrating for patients but please be assured it is equally as frustrating for our staff, who are trying to cope with a huge surge in demand over recent weeks. Receptionists are doing absolutely everything they can to get through as many calls as possible, and staff are working tirelessly to ensure patients’ needs are met, as they have done throughout the most challenging 14 months most of us have ever been through.

Please be kind. Our staff are just as frustrated as patients & do not deserve to be subject to abuse. We are working with the phone provider to ensure this is sorted & hope to have a positive update on the situation as soon as possible.

Patients can also call 111 First, where a trained medical professional can direct you to the most appropriate health service.


Statement Issued by West Lancashire CCG on behalf of all GP Practices



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